Must I Treat with a Company Doctor for my Work Injury?
Many of our clients that have been injured on the job are unsure if they are required to treat with a company doctor. Learn more about the statue regarding panel doctors and what is legally required of you in during the workers compensation process.
When to Hire a Workers Comp Attorney in Pennsylvania
Not having a workers’ compensation attorney can inflict potentially irreversible damage to your workers compensation claim. Find out when is the right time to hire a workers’s compensation lawyer after you’ve been hurt on the job. Learn more.
Social Security Disability and SSI at the Same Time?
When you qualify and are approved for social security disability, are you eligible for social security supplemental income? We explain how to qualify for these two programs and help you figure out what options are available to you.
Smith & Nephew to Pull Metal Liner in Hip Replacements
Smith & Nephew announced Friday that it was pulling a metal liner used in hip replacements from the market. The London company said the device is the optional metal liner for its R3 Acetabular System hip devices. Learn more.
Full Coverage Does Not Necessarily Mean Full Tort, Choose Wisely
When you’ve been in an accident, there is a distinct difference between having Full Coverage and Full Tort. Learn what the difference is between these two types of coverage and how they will impact your insurance claims.
What Types of Workers’ Compensation Settlements are There?
Do you know what type of workers’ compensation settlement is the right option for you? We’ll explain the three main types of compromise and release agreements for settingling your workers’ compensation claim.
PA Supreme Court Scales Back Asbestos Exposure
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has decided in a recent asbestos case that mere exposure to asbestos is not sufficient to prove a link to asbestos related cancer. Read more about the courts decision and that it could mean for your asbestos case.
Claimant’s Should Hire an Attorney for PA Workers Compensation
If you or a loved one has been injured at work, is it really necessary to call an attorney? Find out why it is important to have an experienced workers compensation attorney to protect your rights and see you get the settlement you deserve.
PA Justice Orie-Melvin to Step Aside to Fight Criminal Charges
Pennsylvania State Supreme Court Justice Jane Orie Melvin turned herself in this morning to face nine criminal charges against her, filed by Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zapala. Read more to learn more about the charges.