| Blog | PA Supreme Court Scales Back Asbestos Exposure

PA Supreme Court Scales Back Asbestos Exposure

Suffering from asbestos exposure? Count on Mooney

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has decided in a recent asbestos case that mere exposure to asbestos is not sufficient to prove a link to asbestos related cancer. Instead, the Court said Plaintiffs would have to establishment a relationship between the asbestos exposure and the development of the disease.

“Simply put,” the court said in its 53-page opinion, “one cannot simultaneously maintain that a single fiber among millions is substantially causative, while also conceding that a disease is dose-responsive.”

Essentially, the Plaintiff’s counsel in this case relied upon a popular asbestos theory of ‘any breath or fiber’ theory meaning that exposure to just one asbestos fiber was sufficient to show exposure that could lead to cancer. Pennsylvania now joins Texas as states that have rejected that theory.

Count on Mooney

If you’ve been exposed to asbestos and now are suffering from a related cancer – count on Mooney. Our personal injury attorneys fight for you to help establish the relationship between the exposure and the development of the disease.

Mooney & Associates has 15 offices through Central Pennsylvania including:

We can meet you at the location most convenient for you. No matter what, you know you can Count on Mooney. Contact us today for a consultation or call us at 717-632-4656 or toll free at 877-632-4656.

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